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About Us

The Learning Tree of Wellsboro is a private, non-profit educational children’s center located within the quaint, picturesque town of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. In its history, since the 1970’s, the school originally was established as a church-based children's center, evolving into a Montessori inspired children's center to most recently, a Kindergarten Readiness Program.


The Learning Tree of Wellsboro strives to be a leading early childhood educational center for ages 1-5. The center offers after school care and summer options for K-4. Our skilled team teaches, inspires, and provides an environment that encourages our young students to learn and grow individually as well as collaboratively as they move through our structured, well-defined programs to reach their fullest potential.

Please contact us to learn more about the unique opportunities The Learning Tree of Wellsboro has to offer!

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